Heading into the office today and was struck by a comment on the platform - "I'm struggling to get to work." And, then, when I arrived at the DuPont Circle Metro stop, politely stepped aside to let folks run on up the escalator.
At Alluvus, we don't have office hours. That's because we hold ourselves accountable to outcomes. The whole idea of rushing to get into an office, just seems counter to being intentional about your day. We're not concerned what time you get in or when you decide to leave. As long as we're on the same page as to what needs to get done - and when - we should be fine.
No rushing. Once you are able to recognize that you're rushing, it affords you the opportunity to breathe deep and re-examine how you'd like to encounter your day. The commitment here is to create the space and provide people with an environment where they can come in and start their day on a mindful note. It's a "policy" informed by being able to "know rushing."